Solution for discoloured water

Bring us a sample!

    Colored waterPresence of sand/sedimentClear water but stainsBad odorContaminated waterColored in specific situationsColored at all timesPresence of sand/sediment in certain situationsPresence of sand/sediment at all timesPressure problemNo pressure problemI have a water treatment systemI do not have a water treatment systemSmell noticeable only in hot waterSmell in both hot and cold waterYes, bubbles or wavesNo bubbles or wavesNon potableNonconforming

    Bring us a sample!

    Phone: 819 563-9172 or toll free at 1 866 727-3010
    Business hours: Monday to friday 8:00-17:00

    7 days emergency service!
    Note: We operate in the Eastern Townships and the surrounding area.